The primary objective of this mechanism is to provide an effective channel for submitting complaints, claims, and requests for additional information regarding registered projects or the program itself.

In accordance with Section 7.12.5 of the Cercarbono’s Protocol for Voluntary Carbon Certification, Cercarbono has established a dedicated platform to receive requests, complaints, and claims related to its certification program, the registry platform, or registered PMCCs.

Additionally, Section 14 of the Procedures of Cercarbono’s Certification Programme outlines the functionality and key characteristics of this mechanism, ensuring it remains accessible to all stakeholders and the general public. Beyond the centralized grievance channel, each publicly registered project within Cercarbono and visible on EcoRegistry has a designated section on its individual page where stakeholders can submit specific comments, complaints, and claims about that particular project.

Our commitment is to maintain an effective grievance mechanism for submitting complaints, claims, and information requests, thereby strengthening trust and transparency in our certification processes and overall operations.