wdt_ID Sector Methodology Version Publication date English version Spanish version
7 Land use Modular Methodology for Climate Change Mitigation Activities on Forest Lands and Wetlands 1.1 23/02/2023
8 Waste Management Methodology for the Execution of Projects for Capture, Destruction or Use of Biogas Produced in Sanitary Landfills 1.1 28/03/2021
9 Land use Metodología para la ejecución de proyectos REDD+ consistentes con los niveles de referencia presentados por Colombia a la CMNUCC 1.1 09/09/2020
10 Land use Methodology for the Implementation of REDD+ Projects Consistent with National Reference Levels 1.2 02/07/2022
11 Land use Methodology for the Implementation of REDD+ Projects Consistent with National Reference Levels 1.2.1 20/09/2022
12 Land use Metodología para la ejecución de proyectos REDD+ consistentes con niveles de referencia nacionales 1.2.1 30/09/2022
13 Land use Methodology for the Implementation of REDD+ Projects Consistent with National Reference Levels 1.2.2 30/09/2022
14 Land use Methodology for the Implementation of REDD+ Projects Consistent with National Reference Levels 1.3 19/10/2022


Cercarbono approves the use of CDM methodologies that are in line with its policy framework and principles.

If a CCMP requires for its development and implementation a methodology different from the ones described here, the holder may fill in the form Application for Approval of New Methodology or from Another Standard or Certification Programme and send it to info@cercarbono.com with subject «Application for Approval of Methodology».