Our multidisciplinary team is grouped in Directorates, which, in coordination with each other, make the proper functioning of the company possible. It is made up of people with great professional experience and high values, who are aware, committed, and responsible with the environment.

Alex Saer

Jorge Plauchú

Roberto Piñeros Varón

Catalina Romero

Natalia Arango

Natalia Forero Vargas

Luisa Fernanda Lopera

Valentina Fierro

Claudia Valdés

Juan Daniel Vallejo

Santiago Arboleda
Carlos Trujillo
Business Administrator with an MBA from IE in Madrid, Spain. He has been in ventures in the areas of e-commerce, technology, and environment, where he has developed commercial and market development functions.
He is one of the founders of Cercarbono and is driven by a powerful desire to bring solidity, transparency, and recognition to the carbon market.
Patricio Lombardi
Executive Director of the Carbon Markets Fairness Foundation, a strategic alliance forged between regions, governments and civil organizations, mainly from Africa and Latin America, a sum of voices from the Global South that position themselves as environmental creditors and guardians of the greatest remnants of biodiversity and natural capital on the planet.
In 2021 he was unanimously elected President of the Environment and Climate Change Commission in ZICOSUR, a regional organization integrated by 70 subnational states from 7 South American countries, giving enormous importance to the regions and their communities as real agents of change in climate action.
He was the first Minister of Climate Change in Latin America. Under his leadership and within the framework of COP 26 in Glasgow, he signed a historic agreement to protect the Atlantic Forest, one of the 5 most important biodiversity hotspots in the world according to the United Nations, a biome close to the Amazon.
Patricio Lombardi resigned as Minister in April 2022, to return to civil society. He is currently invited to present and share his experiences, challenges and issues in management, and the importance of innovative leadership to strengthen the governance of local actors.
He has been the founder of several NGOs, among them Revolucion 21, a prestigious environmental foundation that was named Goodwill Ambassador by the United Nations. He also served on the Board of the National Steering Committee of the UN PPD-UNDP program.
Federico Hoyos
He is a political scientist and holds a master’s degree in Government and Public Policy; he also completed Advanced Political Studies at the Phoenix Institute of the University of Notre Dame. In March 2014 he was elected Representative to the Chamber of Deputies for the Department of Antioquia for the legislative period 2014-2018. From November 2018 he was the Ambassador of Colombia to Canada until March 2020. He served as a presidential advisor for the period from 2018 to 2022.
His legislative work includes the authoring of three draft laws on the monitoring of Free Trade Agreements signed by Colombia, incentives for electric vehicles, and the promotion of innovation. The draft law on the monitoring of Free Trade Agreements was sanctioned in September 2017 as Law 1868. Federico Hoyos was a rapporteur of the law through which Colombia ratified the Paris Agreement.
Ousmane Fall Sarr
Ousmane is currently the coordinator of the West African Climate Alliance, a new initiative of West African delegates participating in the UNFCCC negotiation process on climate markets and finance.
As Director in charge of planning, monitoring and evaluation of the Senegalese Rural Electrification Agency, Ousmane has contributed significantly to the development of Senegal’s National Rural Electrification Programme and many other national and sub-regional energy access policies in West Africa. Since 2013, Mr SARR is the President of the Senegalese National Committee on Climate Change and has participated in several COPs as a negotiator on markets and technology transfer. In collaboration with the Senegalese Ministry of Environment, he also coordinated the technical process leading to the elaboration of the Senegalese NDC.
William Evelio Rodríguez Delgado
- Environmental administrator, environment, environmental management, and sustainable development. District University of Francisco José de Caldas.
- Technologist in environmental sanitation, environment, environmental management, and sustainable development. District University of Francisco José de Caldas.
- Specialist in renewable energies. University of Castilla La Mancha.
- Specialist in energy efficiency. University of Castilla La Mancha.
- Master in energy efficiency and renewable energies. University of Castilla La Mancha.
Daniel Pérez Rodríguez
- Civil Engineer. National University of Colombia.
- Master’s degree in Transport Engineering. Transport and mobility management.
Javier Bocanegra Reyes
- Electrical Communications and Electronics Engineer. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (ESIME). National Polytechnic Institute. Mexico. 1969-1973.
- Master’s Degree in Public Administration. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. (CIDE). Mexico. 1976-1978.
Miguel Ángel Freyermuth
- Degree in Chemical Engineering. Autonomous University of Mexico.
- Currently verifier for TÜV SÜD America Inc. (formerly Ruby Canyon Environmental).
The decision-making process is based on Cercarbono’s governance and decision-making model. The Board of Directors oversees the governance of Cercarbono in all its dimensions, has the broadest powers for the management of the organisation and is the highest decision-making body of the standard.
All resolutions and decisions taken are recorded in writing, including the vote supporting each. As evidenced at www.cercarbono.com, section: Documentation.
Cercarbono’s organisational structure and functions are summarised in the following figure:

For more information on the Cercarbono governance overview see the document at www.cercarbono.com, section: Documentation.