Cercarbono is a standard with a voluntary carbon certification programme that facilitates and guarantees the registration of Climate Change Mitigation Programmes or Projects (CCMPs), the certification of emissions, and the registration of the carbon credits generated by these initiatives.

To promote and support the development of initiatives in different economic sectors to mitigate climate change and strengthen the dynamics of the carbon market.
To be a voluntary carbon certification standard with international recognition and leadership, identified for offering security and transparency in its processes and services.

Foundation of Cercarbono
Cercarbono was established at the end of 2016 with the aim of providing sustainable solutions to the planet’s climate problem.

Issuance of the Decree 926 of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Colombia)
The issuance of Decree 926 of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit gave Cercarbono the opportunity to work in the carbon market and to support the challenges and voluntary agreements that the Colombian government has assumed at the international level.

Partnership with EcoRegistry
Cercarbono created an alliance with EcoRegistry, the projects registration platform, based on BlockChain technology that guarantees the security, traceability, and transparency of projects throughout the entire cycle: registration, validation, monitoring, verification, certification, issuance, and use of credits.

First Certifications
We generated the first certifications in 2019, starting with projects in the forestry sector, aligned with the rules and regulations of each country, and operating under an efficient process.