Activities focused on GHG removals and GHG emission reductions and vary according to the sectoral scope of the project. For more information see the Scope section of Cercarbono's Protocol for Voluntary Carbon Certification.

Cercarbono service includes the registration of the programme or project in EcoRegistry, the registration and issuance of the carbon credits generated by the project activity.
Cercarbono is not involved in the marketing of these credits.

Ideally, Cercarbono should be considered and chosen as a certification standard from the very beginning of a project formulation, as the implementation of the project should consider the requirements of the project and the methodologies that are within its scope.

It depends on the characteristics of the project to be registered. Information can be requested at

Consult here the list of methodologies accepted by Cercarbono.

The full development of a project depends on the duration of its formulation, the fulfilment of its implementation, and monitoring plans, as well as the completeness of the project to start the validation and verification processes, which once endorsed by an authorised VVB can start its certification, and the issuance and registration of the carbon credits generated by the project activity. The certification process has a duration of ten working days, if no information or documentation (missing or additional) is requested from the holder, developer, or VVB in charge of the programme or project.

It depends on the type of project and many other characteristics. In the land use sector, it depends on the hectares covered by the project and the type of plantation, or the characteristics and location of the forests. In other sectors it depends, among others, on the size or location of the installations or equipment used, and the processes considered.

Two types of scale are covered by Cercarbono:

- Type 1 projects: those that remove or reduce GHG emissions, 10,000 or more tonnes of CO2e, on average per year.

- Type 2 projects: those that remove or reduce GHG emissions, less than 10,000 tonnes of CO2e, on average per year.

Depending on the standard it comes from, yes. Cercarbono accepts migration from projects that meet the relevant requirements. Please write to for more information.

Cercarbono has a Power of Attorney with Withdrawals form, which must be filled out when the holder of the project grants the legal representation of the project and the power to withdraw the resulting carbon credits.

Consult here the list of VVBs authorised by Cercarbono.

It depends on the type of project, the sectoral scope in which it is implemented, and the methodology you will use to account for GHG emissions in the baseline and project scenarios.

The carbon pools considered for the development of projects in the land use sector are above ground biomass, below ground biomass, dead wood, litter, and soil organic carbon; depending on the project activity, but especially on the methodology adopted, they may or may not be considered in a project.

  • Reducing GHG emissions from deforestation.
  • Reducing GHG emissions from forest degradation due to fragmentation.
  • Forest carbon stocks enhancement.
  • Sustainable forest management.

No. All REDD+ activities covered by each country's Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) submitted to the UNFCCC will be accounted for. The results of REDD+ activities not covered by a country's FREL, even if not accounted for nationally, may be directed to the voluntary carbon market.