This section includes all documents and templates that are required by a CCMP holder or proponent and are the basis for ensuring compliance with the requirements of Cercarbono’s Voluntary Carbon Certification Programme.

wdt_ID Document Version Publication date English version Spanish version
18 Tool to Demonstrate Additionality of Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives 2.0.1 05/08/2022
19 Tool to Report Contributions from Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives to the Sustainable Development Goals 1.3 15/08/2022
20 Tool to Estimate Carbon Buffer in Initiatives to Mitigate Climate Change in the Land Use Sector 1.2 10/08/2022
21 Guidelines for Mapping Presentation and Analysis 1.0 21/03/2024

wdt_ID Pre-registration and Formulation Forms and Templates Version Publication date English version Spanish version
1 Project Description Document (Land Use Sector) 2.0.1 12/08/2022
2 Project Description Document (Sectors Other Than Land Use) 3.0 01/08/2022
5 General Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1.1 03/02/2022
16 Request for Methodological Deviation 1.0 24/02/2022
17 Power of Attorney with Withdrawals 1.2 12/08/2022
18 Power of Attorney Without Withdrawals 1.2 12/08/2022
19 Application for Renewal of Crediting Period 1.0 17/08/2022
20 Application for Approval of New Methodology or Methodology from another Standard or Certification Programme 1.0 17/08/2022
21 Application for Conversion of Carbon Credits to Cercarbono 1.0 17/03/2022
22 Programme Change Declaration 2.0 22/11/2021
wdt_ID Implementation Version Publication date English version Spanish version
6 Monitoring Report (Land Use Sector) 1.0.1 12/08/2022
7 Monitoring Report (Sectors Other Than Land Use) 3.0 01/08/2022
wdt_ID Validation and Verification Version Publication date English version Spanish version
8 VVB Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1.2 12/08/2022
14 Validation Report (Land Use Sector) 2.0 01/08/2022
15 Validation Report (Sectors Other Than Land Use) 2.0 01/08/2022
16 Joint Validation and Verification Report (Land Use Sector) 2.0 01/08/2022
17 Joint Validation and Verification Report (Sectors Other Than Land Use) 2.0 01/08/2022
18 Verification Report (Land Use Sector) 2.0.1 02/02/2023
19 Verification Report (Sectors Other Than Land Use) 2.0.1 02/02/2023
20 Validation Statement (Land Use Sector) 2.0 12/08/2022
21 Validation Statement (Sectors Other Than Land Use) 2.0 12/08/2022
22 Verification Statement (Land Use Sector) 2.0 12/08/2022
23 Verification Statement (Sectors Other Than Land Use) 2.0 12/08/2022
24 Joint Validation and Verification Statement (Land Use Sector) 2.0 12/08/2022
25 Joint Validation and Verification Statement (Sectors Other Than Land Use) 2.0 12/08/2022
26 Application for Accreditation as a Validation and Verification Body 2.1 10/01/2024

wdt_ID Statements and reports Publication date English version Spanish version
1 Comunicado Oficial No.1 de Cercarbono 03/12/2019
2 Comunicado Oficial No.2 de Cercarbono 13/04/2020
4 Comunicado Oficial No.3: Reflexiones interpretación normativa para proyectos REDD en Colombia 12/04/2021
5 Official Statement No. 04: Requirements for the initiation of validation and verification processes for CCMPs registered in Cercarbono 08/03/2022
8 Official Statement No. 05: Analysis of governance, land tenure and legal representation of collectively owned territories in REDD+ projects 09/06/2022
9 Comunicado conjunto Biocarbon, Cercarbono y EcoRegistry 30/09/2022
10 Official Statement No. 06: Final clarifications on the use of versions of the Cercarbono's Protocol/templates and on changing methodologies in the forestry sector 04/10/2022
11 Official Statement No. 07: Public consultation on REDD+ projects 26/10/2022
12 Official Release 01: Response to the news on carbon credits from the "BAKA ROKARIRE - IA TIR+ - DITOREDD" project 13/02/2023
13 Official Statement No. 08: Independent, third-party review / assessment process for Cercarbono voluntary carbon certification program’s own methodologies 05/04/2023

wdt_ID Number Publication date English version Spanish version
9 13 21/02/2023
16 14 21/03/2023
17 15 13/06/2023
18 16 09/10/2023

wdt_ID Document Publication date English version Spanish version
1 Cercarbono Report 2018-2021 Compilation of its development 08/04/2022
2 Cercarbono´s Annual Report 2022: Improving confidence in the international voluntary carbon market 24/03/2023
3 Cercarbono's Annual Report 2023: Moving toward integrity, transparency, and quality in environmental markets 16/05/2024